

Art Every Day November 1, 2009

Jane Davila posted on the Quiltart list a challenge hosted by Leah Piken Kolidas declaring November is Art Every Day Month with the goal to create art every day. The rules are loose with the idea to foster creativity. This appealed to me because I have had trouble staying focused since my father died and alot of my time is going to two art organizations in the city.

When I started to consider this challenge I realized it helped me distill an idea I have had in the back of my mind for quite awhile and that is to create a collage a day from the local newspaper the Pittsburgh Post Gazette.

My challenge is to make a collage from anything in the days newspaper that is a reflection of something I have been thinking about. This provides me with an opportunity to think out loud visually and to work on my compositions. Anything in the newspaper that day is game.

Here is November 1, 2009

Hopefully as time goes on my photography will improve too!

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