

Art Every Day November 15, 2009

Art Every Day November 14, 2009

Nothing was happening with the Post Gazette so I turned to the NY Times.


Art Every Day November 11, 2009

I will run one day behind not as if I have been posting consistently. Randy is home so I don't want to cut up the newspaper.


Art Every Day November 10, 2009

I am struck by what captures my attention. Sometimes it is content as in this post, sometimes fancy and color as in the last. Some are important anniversaries like the fall of the Berlin Wall. Some compositions more successful than others. Not sure where I am going.

Art Every Day November 9, 2009

Art Every Day November 8, 2009

I've been a day behind. And slow to post to the blog. A dear friend has been in the hospital home now slow recovery.


Art Every Day November 3, 2009

Some days there are more images to work with in the newspaper than others.


Art Every Day November 2, 2009

More info on the challenge to myself. Each collage is 5" x 8" collected in a notebook I have.

Art Every Day November 1, 2009

Jane Davila posted on the Quiltart list a challenge hosted by Leah Piken Kolidas declaring November is Art Every Day Month with the goal to create art every day. The rules are loose with the idea to foster creativity. This appealed to me because I have had trouble staying focused since my father died and alot of my time is going to two art organizations in the city.

When I started to consider this challenge I realized it helped me distill an idea I have had in the back of my mind for quite awhile and that is to create a collage a day from the local newspaper the Pittsburgh Post Gazette.

My challenge is to make a collage from anything in the days newspaper that is a reflection of something I have been thinking about. This provides me with an opportunity to think out loud visually and to work on my compositions. Anything in the newspaper that day is game.

Here is November 1, 2009

Hopefully as time goes on my photography will improve too!


Transformation Presented by The Society of Bead Artists

Transformation is on exhibit at the Pittsburgh Center for the Arts 6300 Fifth Ave until April 19. 2009.  It is nothing short of fabulous.  I am honored to have a piece included in this exhibit.

I have been remiss in not posting about it previously it opened in February.  But we are in the midst of renovating our kitchen and dining room and I have been happily immersed in that.  But more to the point I have been in a "creative quagmire" for a stretch and I am only just working my way out of it.

This shot is the long view of the gallery from the rear forward.

I love this piece this is Questioning/Breakthrough by Teresa Sullivan.  These ladies have attitude.

This is a photo of my quilt The Distance Between Us.  This piece is all about my mother.  I learned so much about myself and my family while making it and still continue to learn things. This piece was my first to work by intuition only. The beading helped me to work through my grief; my mother died too young.  What a thrill to be part of this show it is so spiritual, you can feel the ancestors you can feel the connections.

There is a variety of of work; many ways beads are used or fabricated.

This is Gbogbo Wa Ni Se (We All Have Work to Do);  Ancestors Keeping Watch.  The artist, Cathleen Richardson Bailey, also was the curator for the show.  Her work is inspirational, so rich. It was a pleasure to meet her.

This piece Cloth for Ogun is also by Cathleen Richardson Bailey and my photo does not do justice to the richness of the color, particularly the green.  
Finally, Orisa in the New World;  An Artistic Interpretation of Oya and Ogun is an installation by Cathleen Richardson Bailey, Temujin Ekunefeo, Celeta R. Hickman, and Marsha Ekunfeo.

If you are in the area do not miss this show!!!


Major Studio Improvement

Last spring I undertook a massive studio re-organization.  I did not understand how to use the space or the importance of having it be a workable comfortable and for me fun place in which to create.  Now I get it!  One major stumbling block to my studio being the most functional area was a pipe for venting from the second floor bathroom and placed right smack in the middle of my studio (why the guy who renovated the house before us did that I will never know except he was CHEAP).  Exhibit A:

We are in the midst of a massive kitchen remodel, moving a powder room etc. etc.  The guys are great so we asked for an opinion from Bob the plumber not to be confused with Joe, and John and Fred our carpenters.  They gave me the best possible answer.

Voila!  No more pipe and I am one happy quilter.